eGroups on nyt sitten Yahoo! Groups
- From: Juhani Anttila <juhani@xxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 12:40:02 +0200 (EET)
Tilanne on nyt se, että eGroupsin engalinninkieliset sivut ovat muuttuneet
Yahoo! Groups -sivuiksi. Suomenkieliset sivut ovat vielä ennallaan.
Jos tahtoo käyttää Yahoo Groupsin www-sivuja (siis niiltä osin kuin
tarvitaan salasanaa), pitää eGroupsin käyttäjätunnus sulauttaa Yahoon
käyttäjätunnukseen. Jos ei käytä palvelun www-puolta (sitä osaa johon
tarvitaan salasana - arkistothan ovat julkiset), vaan on kiinnostunut
Nollalistasta vain sähköpostin muodossa, ei tarvitse tehdä mitään.
Suomenkielisetkin sivut tulevat muuttumaan. Alla hetki sitten saamani
tiedote, jota en ole lukenut kovin tarkkaan läpi. Otin kuitenkin käyttöön
Yahoon tunnuksen. Ei vaikuttanut kovin monimutkaiselta, mutta kehotan
epävarmoja odottamaan suomenkielisiä ohjeita.
Yahoo! Groups Moderator News
January 2001
Dear Yahoo! Groups Moderator,
We'd like to officially welcome you to Yahoo! Groups, the new service
that incorporates eGroups technology. If you haven't done so, please
check out the new website:
All you have to do to access your groups on the web site is to link
your current eGroups account(s) to a Yahoo! ID using our wizard. (If
you don't use the web site, you won't need to link your accounts.)
The process is simple:
1. Go to the wizard:
2. Tell us the eGroups account you'd like to link to a Yahoo! ID.
(Your account is the email address you've used to sign in to the
eGroups service.)
3. Tell us the Yahoo! ID you'd like to link your account to. If you
don't have a Yahoo! ID, you can register for one at that time.
4. If you have multiple eGroups accounts, you need to go through the
wizard more than once. You can link up to 5 accounts per Yahoo! ID.
* Please remember that your groups have not moved. They are still
here! All you are doing is establishing a Yahoo! ID log-in to access
them via the web site.
* Old URLs and email addresses will continue to work.
All the features you know and love about eGroups are now part of
Yahoo! Groups. In addition, we've added some new functionality that we
hope you'll enjoy.
Yahoo! Groups has lots of new features and even better customization.
You can:
* Chat with other group members using our improved Yahoo! Chat.
* Add a splash of color to your group, or a group home page photo, all
without knowing HTML.
* See when group members are online and communicate with them in real
time using Yahoo! Messenger.
* Reach a larger audience. You will have the entire Yahoo! network of
communications and communities services at your doorstep.
And much, much more to come!
* All eGroups email and web addresses will continue to work. You can
still send email to <groupname>, <groupname>
as well as <groupname>
(Your members will receive all mail from <groupname>
* All of your group information including messages, calendar events,
and your entire membership have been maintained.
* Yahoo! Groups remains a free service
* International sites: We'll soon begin to internationalize Yahoo!
Groups. In the interim, you can continue to use the international
versions of eGroups.
* Clubs integration: We plan to integrate Yahoo! Clubs into Yahoo!
Groups later this year. The service will offer all of the previous
Clubs features, as well as other enhancements.
Below are some places to stay informed and to communicate with others
about the service:
* Yahoo! Groups Chat Event: Chat with a member of the Yahoo! Groups
team on Thursday, February 1, 2001 at 4:00 PM EST. Log in on
Thursday to participate:
* Yahoo! Groups Help Center: detailed FAQs regarding the service.
* Discussion Groups:
EmailList-Managers: for anybody who has ever moderated a list
whether on Yahoo! Groups or on other services.
egroups-discuss-managers: a group for discussion and questions
concerning the eGroups service, primarily oriented towards
moderators. The group is moderated and monitored by Yahoo! Groups
ListHelp: a friendly place to find help and hints for managing,
owning, promoting your group/email list
Merger: read about previous merger discussions and participate
in new ones in our moderated merger discussion group:
* Merger FAQ: for detailed questions and answers about the merger,
please visit:
On behalf of everyone here at Yahoo! Groups, thanks for being a
group moderator on our service.
The Yahoo! Groups team